We’re Sick.

Layla and I both have the death. Pretty bad head colds. Thomo is on his way to joining us too. I feel bad because we’re skipping library day today and I know Layla loves it. I’ll have to take her back sometime before next week to trade out books. Not only is today a sick stay at home day, its also raining. Here’s just a few snaps from this morning.

I bought her some nose strips yesterday to help her sleep and she wont take it off.
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This fat little bird is ALWAYS out front eating. And it doesnt care if you go out there. It cant be bothered to leave its meal. I thought it was just fat but I think it might be a baby.
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munch munch munch
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Pretty boy. Why cant girls be the pretty ones.
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It was nice waking up last night and hearing rain hitting the roof. We needed it!
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She’s as bad as the chipmunks digging in my pots. She was “planting” something though.
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And watering.
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The blue birds are all over my back yard. The ugly little baby ones are starting to get pretty. Theres more blue on them and their chests are turning orange. I love them! I saw more in the bird bath this morning. And about 4 in the yard. I am the crazy bird lady..but what else is there to do? AND I can merge my bird obsession with my camera obsession. If only I had a BIG FAST lens 😉

2 thoughts on “We’re Sick.”

  1. How do those nose strip work? The girls and I are sick too, wonder if those would do Taylor any good.

    Im usually not a huge bird fan but that baby bird is too cute!

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