Recently my friend, Jill, linked me to a recipe for a 2 ingredient pumpkin cake with a 3 ingredient glaze. So I guess total its 5 ingredients of heaven.
Here is the link that she shared with me:
Last night we went to the store and I got some yellow cake mix and the fixin’s for the glaze to go along with the cans of pumpkin I have been stocking up on.
I cant believe how EASY it was! And ME…the one who does NOT bake well was able to pull it off and man is it good. I dont have the size pan it called for so I made mine in a big ol’ muffin pan. Perfect.
Did I mention this is the first thing that went into my brand new oven! It was very exciting to be able to fit the pan in there and have it actually bake.
Nice lens!
And thanks for that recipe, I think the girls and I will make them this afternoon 🙂
ubber jealous of the lens, but you SOOO deserve it 😉
second whos this jill ?? i cant get the link to work 😉
third is the glaze good ?? next time i make it im tryin it, half my cake is gone *blushing*
That looks delicious! Throw in a Pumpkin Spice Latte from Starbucks and I’d be in pumpkin heaven. Thanks for sharing this, I will have to try it. The less ingredients for me, the better the chances it will turn out edible. 🙂
I love the muffin spin. I’m going to try it your way. It will go great with my favorite from Starbucks. Chainog here I come!
LOL as soon as I read this entry, I stood up and headed to the kitchen!! My cake is in the oven right now and smells delish. I made the glaze but didn’t have cider, so I used apple juice LOL. I ended up adding extra cloves, cinnamon, and ginger to add some oomph to the spicey-ness. When the cake comes out I think I’m going to poke a few holes into it before I drizzle the glaze. Really let it soak in. DROOL :p
I have some whipping cream that needs to be used in the fridge… I wonder if it would be too much to make some to top off the cake? HA what am I talking about?! Fresh whipped cream is ALWAYS ok 😉
uber jealous of the new lens lol I’ve been begging for one of those.
Looks good I may have to try that reciepe!
Ive been wanting to try this recipe too since she posted about it. I just need to go get some cider!
Looks like you should be baking alot more in your cool new oven!! 🙂
I’m so proud of you! I wish I had a box of cake mix. Definitely making this soon. I love the muffin idea.
Minus the glaze those are weight watchers muffins!