Ok y’all! It’s that time of year again. Time for the second ever Girl Meets Camera Mug Swap! I’m going to start out by saying I wasn’t sure if I wanted to go along with this again. A lot of people didn’t get mugs last year and that’s pretty lame. I know you always run the risk of not getting something in a swap but it was a LOT of you that didn’t get one. Pretty upsetting and discouraging.
But, some of you did get mugs and some of you DID have a fun time swapping. So lets do it again!

How It Works:
It’s pretty easy…sign up to swap, get matched with someone else, send out a mug, receive one for yourself! Easy peasy. I want this to be a fun experience so I need everyone to play along! This year though I will put you in pairs instead of randomly matching you to someone else and keeping it a surprise. You will know who is sending to you and will be sending to them as well.
1. Please please PLEASE promise to send out a mug if you sign up to swap. It’s no fun to send out a mug and not get anything in return. If you can’t do this, don’t sign up.
2. To sign up, fill out the questions below and email then to me along with your mailing address (girlmeetscam(at)gmail.com) no later than Friday, September 12! Sign ups will close to give me time to sort through and match you with a buddy.
3. You will be matched with a swap buddy and informed by email on Monday, September 15.
4. Go shopping! You can try to find something personal to your swap buddy, local to where you live, or just something off the wall fun. It’s up to you!
5. Send out your mug. Last year we tried to send mugs out in a week but this year lets give us 2 just to be safe. Life happens and sometimes shopping and the post office doesn’t. Please send your mugs out by September 30. If you are running late for whatever reason and need more time let me know so I can tell your buddy they do have one coming!
**Note: You can also just order online and have it shipped directly to your buddy if it is easier for you!**
6. When you receive your mug please take a picture! Whether you blog about it, tweet it, instagram it, or just email it…whatevs. Please tag me in it (@girlmeetscamera on IG and Twitter) or link me to your post. I’d love to write a final post with photos of everyone’s new mugs! Make sure you use #GMCmugswap14 so we can all check in and see the mugs!
Not required to participate but the more the merrier! Please share this post! Grab the button and blog about the swap or add it to your sidebar. Let your friends know about it, tell your family, pimp it out on the interwebs. I’d love to have as many swappers as we can get!
Please answer these questions in your email to sign up. Your answers will be forwarded on to your swap buddy.
1. Favorite colors:
2. Hobbies:
3. Things that make you happy:
4. Profession:
5. Coffee or Tea:
Can I join in from Scotland?!
Of course!
I’ll sign up!
Such a cute idea! 🙂
Such a fun idea! I love mugs! 🙂
So excited! I just emailed my info. Thanks for arranging this 🙂
How do I email?
send your info to girlmeetscam @ gmail.com
How fun! I just did a mug swap!
OMG I love this idea as much as I love the coffee I’ll be drinking out of the mug I get. I’m in!
Oooo I’ve always wanted to do one of these, signing up 🙂