Houston, We Have Flowers!

Boo ya to the people tired of the ‘Easter Flowers’ that were really just vines. Look what I found today!

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Woo! There are about 3 buds and one that is trying to open. Im so proud 🙂 Im very happy that these are blooming now that Miss P. has come and taken away half of my yard. She took the fence, ladder, hook thing, both hangy plants, both cacti, and the little tree. If we can get it to her house she’ll take the big sucker too. Its sad to see how bare the yard is looking. Just one step closer to leaving this tiny rock and moving on to Alabama.

Also, for a few weeks Ive been getting the itch to get back to school. Or I guess START school since the last time I went was highschool. After going back and forth on what I can do I think Im going to go forth with a degree/cirtificate or something in photography. In a perfect world I would take awesome photos for magazines or have beautiful prints to sell. I think moving to a new town might be a good time to turn my photography focus in a different direction and really work hard on those kinds of jobs.

Anywho…look, there are FLOWERS!

Now I REALLY need to get to work on the rest of the portrait party photos.
