Passing On The Torch

For a few hours anyway. M and Boo drove with us to get the pup yesterday. Thank heaven for that entertainment! Revo is thankful for the lap also. Since I was driving I passed the camera duties on to M. I could snap and drive but Im not so safe at it 😛 Here is what we got…

Some Podunk Alabama stores and farms and such…
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And of course what is an 8 hour day in the car without some 3 year old tantrums?
“I will NOT say PLEASE!”
22Aug08 096

Is she LAUGHING here? She knows shes rotten.
22Aug08 093

“Huh? Was I crying? What did you say?”
22Aug08 117

And in the other corner…
“But I NEED to close the VENT!”
22Aug08 107

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“Oh look, a cow”
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And of course if there is a Starbucks we will be stopping. I thought Id try something new. Banana, Chocolate, AND Espresso. Only the kid forgot the espresso. Grrrrr.
22Aug08 103

This face makes it all worth it though 🙂
22Aug08 085

4 thoughts on “Passing On The Torch”

  1. Love the pics…talk about podunkville! Cody is gonna love hte new Layla pics. He cried when we were on Wheeler today because he wanted to see her. Love the pic of Revo…he’s such a cutie.

  2. hey dont talk like that about po'dunk towns, look DEEP into that rust & think LOCATION/Photo shoot ….. YUMMMMM is all i have to say about that.

  3. Curtis got one of those Vivanno drinks not long ago, and I wasn’t too impressed! Seemed to me like Starbucks could have done better with it perhaps?

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