Have you seen Pinky Dinky Doo? It’s a show that Layla watches every now and then. Today she was watching and told me SHE needed a “story box”. In the show the story box is where Pinky takes her brother to tell him stories. Well Layla was in luck! I had saved the box to our new range knowing Id make her something with it. And today was the day. She is over the moon excited about it. She even asked to sleep in it 🙂
She took her box of chalk from her easel in there with her to make her own stories on the walls of her box
This is TOO CUTE!!! Layla, tell us a story”. lol.
So cute!! I miss being little and getting excited about the simple things in life. Boxes made the best forts… would it be weird to make my own story house now? Sometimes I feel like I need somewhere to escape reality for a little while! I think Layla has the right idea! 🙂
Fun! Conner’s favorite show at the moment is Pinky Dinky Doo LOL. Only he calls it Pinky Pinky Doo 🙂
I bet he’d love a box to play in! We’ll have plenty to destroy after our move so he just needs to wait a few weeks LOL
Taylor and Maddy are doing the same thing right now. We have tons of boxes around for the move and theyre coloring on them, making beds in there…Im surprised they havent tried to slide down the stairs in one yet! haha
How cute! Cody likes Pinky Dinky Doo too. I have a big box that I was wondering what I could do with it for him…I see fun things happening in the near future 😀 Miss you guys!
That is adorable!
Too cute! I love the story box!