Raking Leaves

When I went out shopping on Friday I saw a small kid sized rake at Lowes. Layla has been trying to rake up her leaf pile in the front yard with my rake and not doing a great job. I got her the rake and some new purple Dora garden gloves. She LOVES them 🙂 We spent a lot of time yesterday outside raking.
28Nov09 002

She made “the biggest leaf pile EVER”
28Nov09 003

Ready, set, go!

“Look at this one and take a picture!”
28Nov09 007

Picking out the sticks and breaking them
28Nov09 012

28Nov09 014

28Nov09 017

She was LOVING her huge pile
28Nov09 020

Hehehe it was like being in Hawaii again…but leaves, not sand.
28Nov09 021

Where’s Layla?
28Nov09 026

There were leaves all over the bathroom floor. When she took off her coat and clothes to get in the tub they were spilling out of everywhere.

3 thoughts on “Raking Leaves”

  1. I love all the pics. Looks like she had so much fun. I wish our leaves here weren't so soggy. I finally raked all of ours today while the kids were alseep so they couldn't jump in them. I'm so glad I did…there were worms all over them and they were all soggy and nasty. Glad Layla had a good time.

  2. How fun! I wish my kids were still small enough to play in the leaves! That was always my favorite thing!

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