Wintery Randoms

Timmy plays with cookie cutters while I’m in the kitchen

13Dec10 004

This is his new thing. When he’s upset about anything he puffs his lips out and breathes in and out of his nose really loud and fast. It cracks me up! I’ll hear him huffing and puffing without seeing him and know exactly what he is doing.

13Dec10 017

Sadie standing by while I feed Timmy some oatmeal. She was SO hoping he would drop something.


He loves Layla’s things

13Dec10 019

Sweet Sadie

13Dec10 020

My Walmart poinsettia

13Dec10 022

Not everything is Wintery…I love her turkey hand and don’t want to take it down

13Dec10 023

Layla’s Ballerina

13Dec10 024

Hot cocoa and helicopter cookies.

13Dec10 025

2 thoughts on “Wintery Randoms”

  1. I want Jarett and Timmy to play together! 🙁

    Love the bokeh in the poinsettia pic.

    We have the same Melissa and Doug chart. I'm bad about using it though!

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