Peanut Butter

Today Timmy wanted a snack. He’s a carbaholic (it must be genetic) so I figured a little cup of peanut butter with pretzel sticks would at least add some protein into his diet.

I sat him at the little table and he seemed pretty excited by the sticks stuck in the peanut butter.

And then I got on Facebook.

Oh, that’s right! I have a kid. Let me check on him. (FYI – computer is on the kitchen counter overlooking the living room where Timmy was. All I had to do this whole time was look UP. Mom fail. Or win. I got a blog post out of it…)

He was done with his sticks and was using his finger/arm to scoop out and eat the rest of the PB.

So I tossed a spoon at him and took some pictures 🙂

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Much happier with the spoon.

He couldn’t contain himself. Manners went out the window.

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He’s gross.

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And part of me was just twitching because Smuckers Natural Creamy Peanut Butter is the BEST freakin peanut butter EVER. And it’s all over him. Waste.

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Tomorrow I will be back with week 2 of 365 Spurred: A year of photo prompts.

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