I’m linking up again today with Jessica at Sweet Green Tangerine.
It’s her Thursday Book Chat!
Only this week it’s less of a chat and more of a see. Pictures! Pictures of your books, where you read, you reading, and any other bookish things you want to share photos of.
My Spot. After waiting for my fancy reclining couches to get here (which I still LOVE) I end up still sitting here a lot. Its sooo deep. I can curl up and still fit. And the arms are wide and flat. Perfect for a laptop, coffee cup, or school books 😐
Random books stacked on our crazy step tv stand

Timmy’s stack of books
Non board kid’s books
Layla climbing into her closet to swap out a book. She has spent the better part of her spring break blowing through the Magic Tree House series
My other spot. Standing in the kitchen Nook-ing. I feel like people leave me alone when I stand in the kitchen instead of when I’m sitting on the couch at their level. By people I mean Timmy.
So I hover over the counter tops and read
And that’s it 🙂 Our little reading world.
I’ll be back tomorrow with my Find It Friday post for the word ‘OLD’.
I wouldn’t have noticed the Vodka book if you hadn’t pointed it out! lol And I love that couch. It looks way comfy. I like your idea of standing in the kitchen. I have yet to find the spot where Jude leaves me alone (that sounds terrible!) but when I do find it, I’ll be sure to do my reading there. LOL
Thanks for sharing!!!
Great pictures! I love all the books you have around your house. I gave most of mine away when I moved last, and now all I read is library books, so I miss having stacks on every surface. 🙁 Also, kinda random, but I LOVE your sandals in that last picture! Haha.
when we moved out here pretty much everything went into storage but toys and books. Seriously half the boxes were books and the rest were toys, kitchen stuff, and randoms. I still have a box of books that I have no place for 😐 And thanks! Those babies are from Walmart 😛 So glad its warm enough to wear them again.