Nothing fancy today…just joining in on Embrace the Camera. Getting in front of the camera instead of just behind it.
Even if it’s just my phone.
Timmy is getting good at his cheesy face. He really likes seeing all of the funny faces he makes in pictures too.
Speaking of phone pictures…I’m up to Day 12 of the July photo challenge on Instagram. I. will. not. quit.
And I just remembered I have a camera full of bowling pictures and other randoms. Oh well, another post…
Some other things I’m thinking about:
THIS is genius. And very good for me. I’ve made it through 2 nights of it and Im in love with this whole idea. And I love how she sets up the meals, instructions, and organized shopping list. FANTASTIC! I did freak a little when I saw how much I spent at the store until I realized it makes 2 meals per recipe so while we have one this week we also have another in the freezer for another day. So 10 meals. Genius.
I dont think Live Fit is for me. Phase 1 was fun, Phase 2 is intense. While I love the workouts they are LONG and Im paying a ton to keep Timmy in the childcare at the gym. And it is up to 6 days a week which wont happen since there is no daycare on weekends. Dumb.
Also, I have lenses I think I want to sell. There are a few that are sitting and collecting dust and there is one other that I think I need. I might be able to buy the one if I sell the three. I need to look them up and see what they are even worth.
But all the boxes for them are in storage. Oops.
We spent the morning helping new friends move their stuff from the hotel to their new house. I love new friends. Especially when they have a kid Layla’s age and a kid Timmy’s age AND they join roller derby. And everyone likes each other. It’s nice.
Someone moving to Enterprise/Ft Rucker really should rent our home. It’s a nice little house and it needs to be full. I hope we can go back there. We were talking about what point we think we will outgrow it and need something else. Ive decided when Layla is old enough that she needs her girly bathroom space. I dont think sharing the hall bathroom with her brother will cut it.