Find It Friday – Hot

Err…It’s Sunday. Im slow and am just loading pictures from this week.


This week’s word was HOT.

It’s so hot here. Hot and muggy. It’s gross.

With the Hot and Muggy we have been getting lots of rain!

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And of course how do you spend a summer with out some rockin shades?

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We love bowling days. Actually I love any day that involves getting out of my house and not running my AC but not being sweaty outside either 😉

Miss Niki wrangling the babies

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And little Miss Lucy 🙂

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Today is Cini-roll Sunday. Eating at the coffee table today and watching Hook. Thanks to Jake and the Neverland Pirates on Disney Jr. both of the kids are super into Peter Pan and Captain Hook. So now we are watching Hook. I love this movie! So far Layla is pretty into it also 🙂

It’s also Derby Day! And the sun is shining! Downside to monsoon season = skate practice has been rained out. So excited to get rolling again today.

And that’s all for now. I think.

More later.