Movie Challenge Update

Hey all, just a quick update. No pictures from me of course because I’ve been insanely busy.

Either with birthday stuff or babysitting for friends or derby stuff. It’s a busy busy time.

Anywho, my movie challenge. One month down and I’ve watched 11 movies from the list. And a couple that weren’t… like every other Batman movie. I’ll try harder this month to knock out a few more. At this rate it will only take 2.5ish years to finish my list 😛 Im hoping to knock out some marathons like LOTR and Pirates. I tried watching Rocky (for the first time) but between my annoyance with Sylvester Stalone and the fact that we have a horrible copy made me turn it off after 5 minutes.

On another note…I just watched Kill Bill 1. Now I’m pretty sure I need these shoes:

KillBill/Kimchick shoes! What what

I’d take them in black with yellow stripes too, Thomas…in case you were wondering.

Just sayin.

But yeah, L’s birthday party is tomorrow. I’ll take pictures, I promise!

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