I’m back again joining Lauren for the High Five for Friday link up!
This week has blown by. I think we had a good time and some memories to show for it.

1. The best part of my week actually happened on Saturday. Technically that makes it last week but it was after my last H54F post so it counts. We had our first roller derby scrimmage of the season! While I couldn’t skate I still had a great time on the bench supporting my Kimchicks. I was seriously one happy captain. We won by 10pts. BOTH teams played amazing. The after parties are just as fun…like a huge family BBQ at the local motorcycle bar (we love you Boozefighters!)
2. Â I’ve been spending a lot of time working on my blog this week. Playing with new designs, meeting new friends, learning new things…hopefully I can help my 5 year old blog grow and move into the next chapter of it’s little bloggy life. Â All while trying to balance kids, house, and gym. Wish me luck.
3. Â I was finally able to take Layla to the library this week for the summer reading program. It seems like every Seoul trip was on a Tuesday (for two whole weeks) and she has been pawned off on friends to make it there. We left the boy at home and hit up the library and then did some school shopping. Just us girls. It was awesome! It’s amazing how less stressy shopping is with one kid. Especially when the one kid isn’t Timmy. Anywho, I picked up some books for myself as well while we were there.
4. POOL! ohmygoodness. I feel like it has been forever since we have gone to the pool. Our half season pass expired so I haven’t been AS motivated to make the trip since I’m not paying per day and we’ve either been busy, recovering, or cooped up because of rain. Finally we had an empty schedule on a hot sunny day. And by hot I mean 80’s with a feels like temp in the 100’s. omg. That called for pool AND ice cream. And lots of water bottles too.
5. This boy. He is really growing into a cool little dude when he’s not a whiny mess. He cracks me up every day. And he has awful Beatles hair. Another shopping trip with both kids in tow and it wasn’t all that bad either. You couldn’t tell by the way I lose my cool trying to wrangle the two of them but I really do like spending time with the beasts. Usually.
And there ya go. A few of my favorite things of the week. This is starting to be one of my favorite link ups. I really like looking back at all the highs from the week 🙂
<3 And I love catching up on what you all are doing!!
Where are you located? I’d love to check out some roller derby when we move to Korea. I’ve always been interested in it, but couldn’t start because I got pregnant!
I skate with the OH! Roller Girls. We are made of up ladies from both Osan Air Base and Camp Humphreys. They are really an amazing group of women! There is also a league (ROKD) that is split between Seoul and Daegu if you end up in either of those directions.
I still love girls’ day with my mom! Sounds like a good week 🙂
I used to play derby for 4.5 years! LOVED it!!!! Still support my team and love them all. My poor knees and hips just had taken enough and were letting me know every day.
I know what you mean. My body definitely feels so much older now that I skate.