This weekend was the seasonal children’s consignment sale that my Korea BFF runs. Have you ever been to one? If you are from the south I’m sure you have. I know they’re all over but I hadn’t heard of them until I moved to AL. Anywho, each time she has her sale (twice a year…spring/summer, fall/winter) I get to pretend like I’m a working mom for a weekend. It’s kind of fun! It definitely has it’s pros AND cons though. It’s like thinking you want another baby so you hold someone else’s until it cries and you’ve had your fix and can go back to not having a baby again.
I loved going to ‘work’ this weekend (it’s all volunteers…but if you do volunteer you get a higher % back on your consigned items!). It was fun getting dressed and putting on makeup and interacting with adults for a couple days. Even if I did have to take the kids with me part of the time. It was just nice to do something that wasn’t kids and house chores. Although it did remind me a lot of the flower shop I worked at in high school. It was owned by my best friend’s mom and we were delivery girls. What better job is there than driving around town drinking Teagees with your best friend giving people flowers?? It was awesome. This weekend was pretty much the same thing without the flowers, Eegees, or purple hair. Another pro was running to Starbucks for us each morning. I could get used to that. I have a feeling not all jobs will be this fun.
Cons…I have no idea how to balance my house with working outside of my house. And then I had derby stuff Saturday and Sunday evenings so I was pretty much not home for a few days. That meant dinner was never made, clothes were never washed, and the house was never cleaned. And that added up fast. I think when I do start working a real job again it better pay enough for good childcare and an ajumma to clean my house for me.

The sale is over now and it’s back to the grind for me. Time to make up for a long weekend of doing nothing at home. Layla needs some pants to wear to school…
I love those sales! I’ve gotten so many clothes for the kid.
They’re awesome! I loved the ones at Rucker