This year I wanted to do some kind of couples costume again with Thomas. We were Ninja Turtles last year. The kids are both being Batman characters this year so I thought maybe we could continue with the theme but there really wasn’t anything from that I wanted to do. After devouring the Hunger Games books (and now making Thomas read them himself) I thought about Peeta and Katniss. My hair is too short to braid though so I got angry. Also, I doubt he’d want to wear his Peeta costume to the whiskey club meeting. Not cool enough.
And then Pinterest came through for me again. I found the answer. Big Bang Theory! We would be Sheldon and Amy. DONE.
It was actually pretty easy. Thomo already had the baseball tee to wear under it as well as the pants and brown shoes. I ordered a Flash tshirt on Amazon for less than $20. Last minute though (like the night before we were to wear the costumes) a friend brought up Hulk hands and how I should have bought some. DUH. I just saw some at Osan’s exchange and tried to get Timmy to buy them. He said no. Now we were going to high tail it over there and get some Hulk hands.

Loooove. What a fun idea.
Oooh that is so awesome! the big bang theory is one of my favorites haha