Project 365: Week 11

Week 11! This was a busy busy week. We had our first pack out yesterday (Friday) so there was a lot of sorting and purging before that happened. Pack out #2 is in a few days so I don’t see this long weekend being any less busy. Especially with a birthday party and derby happening as well. This will be all the rest of our stuff going other than what’s left in our luggage. At the end of the week we will say goodbye to the loaner furniture we borrowed from the Army for the last 2 years and then a few days after that we clear our house and move into the hotel. It’s all happening so fast! So now, instead of stressing about what is coming up how about we take a look back at what happened last week?

Week 11.

Day 72 – Last Saturday was this year’s Girl Scout Investiture Ceremony. L was rededicated and is now a 2nd year Brownie.

Day 73 – Derby Sunday! I’m really really really going to miss these ladies.

Day 74 – Speaking of missing people…I’m glad I have a great gym buddy to go back to because THIS is going to be hard to leave.

Day 75 – Taking a break from being busy to watch Timmy play with Legos…complete with space ship sound effects

Day 76 – Goodbye Korean farms

Day 77 – Ready for the movers! Everything pulled out and ready to go on a boat.

Day 78 – Oil change for the Hoe. Waiting close to the heater.

That’s all, folks! Sorry for the lack of anything else on the blog lately. I’ll catch back up eventually. Until then, you can catch up on our weeks in my Saturday 365 posts.

2 thoughts on “Project 365: Week 11”

  1. I bet you are ready to have this all done!! 🙂 I love Timmy’s face and I can hear his sound effects!! 🙂

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