Project 365: Week 20

Week 20! Every week I am more and more amazed at how long I’ve stuck with this. Good job, me! Here is week 20…we had both of our Korea shipments come in this week. I’m exhausted and feeling like my entire week has been spent drowning in boxes and packing paper. Sounds like fun, right? What’s even MORE fun is that we get to do this all again in August when we move out of The Rental and back into our own home. Totally can’t wait.

Week 20.

Day 135 – Chickens!

Day 136 – Enjoying the space before everything from Korea comes…

Day 137 – Korea delivery #1. Rain.

Day 138 – Laptop back = Les Mis on my phone! FINALLY.

Day 139 – Shoes. So. many. shoes.

Day 140 – Korea delivery #2. Inventory sheets.

Day 141 – Two rooms into one. Holy toys.  (ok maybe half of one of those boxes is all fabric… :|)

That’s it for Week 20. Guess what? It’s SPRING BREAK! Hoping to do something much more fun than unpacking all week. AND have photos to show for it.

Have a great week!