And just like that…we’re all sick.

Me and the kids anyway. It has to be allergies/weather changing…something. Within a day all 3 of us are totally stuffy, hacky, headachy, awful. It’s fantastic. It was all I could do to get through one episode of Big Love after kids went to bed last night before my cold/allergy med cocktail kicked in.

It was a late bed time last night though. I took the kids downtown to join some derby girls at the tent we had for our town’s 4th Friday. They block off the main street down town and have music and tents with food and stuff. It was pretty empty last night but I see how when the heat isn’t crazy it has potential to be a better time.


The kids had a blast either way though. Especially when we walked through the drive through ATM to get cash for slushes.

We decided this time instead of just trying to hand out fliers and sell stuff we would do face painting as well. It was a pretty big hit!



Before the sun went down the kids were a little restless grumpy sitting under the tent. I let them wonder off a bit which included giving them ‘wishes’ to throw in the fountain.


Then the sun went down. It went from miserable to just hot.


But we got our cash and our slushes and felt much better.


That’s when the real fun started…someone brought out the bubbles!


Oh, and L got her face painted too.


A creepy dog haha

This Alabama derby family is really growing on me 🙂


oh! In other news. We need a dishwasher. They are all the same to me and reviews are so mixed that I don’t even know what to choose. I think I find one I like and the reviews aren’t stellar. So I dunno. I’ve gone into Lowes twice now and walked out with no more idea of what I need than when I went in. It shouldn’t be that hard!


I’m ready to use the ‘close your eyes and point’ method to choose one. Oy.