
I have lots of different things floating around in my head to post but I only have pictures of the stuff I bought while junkin this week. I hadn’t planned on sharing since they were just quick snaps with my phone. No actual thought or effort put into it (story of my life) but I have them. And they’re loaded. So that’s what you get.

First, lemme just say junkin without the boy is nice. Hooray for preschool!

I did buy him a shirt though and he’s wearing it today.

And Layla got some paints…which she prolly wont wear because she wont wear anything I buy her…

I got some super soft shirts for $1.

And this one that I paid full. price. for. I think it was $3.

I bought a cookbook too…so I can put it up on the shelf with all my others. I never actually use them. Maybe I’ll try harder…add it to my goal list.

And this basket. Im a sucker for baskets.

Now today, since T is golfing for the third time this week, I’m headed back to the TJ Maxx that just opened here in Enterprise. It’s so pretty…everything is so new and right where it belongs. It hasn’t been open long enough to turn ghetto. All the shoes are perfectly lined up on their correct shelf. Nothing it stuffed where it shouldn’t be stuffed in the home section. It’s glorious. But more on that later…