Name That Tree-Bush

The front of our house is lined with these little tree-bush things. I THINK they are the same thing that the neighbor across the street has in her yard but hers are really tall with flowers at the tips of each branch. I think they are very pretty but if thats the case I need to keep these trimmed because I dont want those HUGE things in front of my house. And even if it is I dont know what theyre called. I just hope theyre the pink ones.

The whole thing.
Copy of 08Sept08 084

A branch. One I trimmed actually because it was crazy long compared to the others.
Copy of 08Sept08 088

And the leaves.
Copy of 08Sept08 087

And this is the neighbors if you can tell at all
08Sept08 085

Also last night I looked by the window and saw this hanging out just outside the window…
08Sept08 092

4 thoughts on “Name That Tree-Bush”

  1. the tree is a crepe mrytle ((although i think im spelling it wrong))

    and that spider EEEEKS, is that a sack of eggs back there too ??

  2. you spelled it right! crepe myrtle!
    We found a huge brown widow spider in our kitchen window eating mosquitos and getting ready to hatch her babies. YUK.
    great pics!

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