Walmart Amaryllis

A few years ago my friend, Laura, and I got these amaryllis kits at Walmart in HI. The box comes with the little plastic pot, a disc of soil that expands to fit the pot when you add water, and one amaryllis bulb. In HI mine didn’t do too hot. It grew crazy tall and fell over. I think it bloomed…but only one flower I think. I just remember being upset that Laura’s lasted longer than mine.

Fast forward to this year in Alabama. I saw the same $5 amaryllis kit at the Walmarts here and had to get it. It was just a bulb for the longest time and I didn’t think anything was going to happen and then all of the sudden it exploded. And now I have this.

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It has grown like crazy and has blooms all over it. I’m way excited. Me and flowers usually don’t mix well.

Last night one started to open
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So I snapped a billion pictures…and got 3 I liked.
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And then I ran the 70’s action on one. Because Im slightly addicted to it.
Pioneer Woman 70's Action

When I came back to the laptop to load them I saw Sadie sitting to pretty

And when I did load them I found this one on the camera. I love child labor and she loves dusting.
Child Labor

3 thoughts on “Walmart Amaryllis”

  1. Pretty flower. I dont do well with either, I always forget to water them.

    I love child labor, and swiffers! 🙂

  2. that flower is SOOOOO pretty too

    HA i LOVE it. she’ll make a GREAT house wife one day, your doing good 😉

  3. You go girl on the flower! I love them, but never have too much luck myself (this does not stop me from trying and you’ll be able to see my pathetic attempts this spring!)

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