Snow Day

First, Merry Christmas EVE from Korea! It’s still early-ish. Drinking coffee while kids are running around not watching the Christmas movie they asked to watch. Anyway, we will be making cookies shortly (once I’m caffeinated) and then will be heading over to a friend’s house later for Christmas Eve dinner.

For now though I have some snow day pictures that I never shared. I’m bad at that… So here they are!

Friday it snowed so much that school was canceled. I already said that though. We didn’t actually make it out to play until after lunch. I really don’t like being cold. I had to work myself up to it. Distracted kids with movies and Legos…

And muffins.

Revo wanted to be outside too

And this. Was it really necessary? He had to get UNDER the bush before he could mark the right spot…

I was finally talked into going outside.

We even found some friends once we got out there.

Timmy was having fun even though he cried a LOT and fought me on having to wear warm clothes before we went outside.


The kids built a snowman!

And THEN the girls learned how to roll snowballs

Ok, y’all. Now I’m off to clean up a bit and bake some cookies. Next post should be my annual holy tons of Christmas pictures of my kids opening presents post.

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