Catch Up

Here I go again. Not ever giving my blog any attention. It’s all going back to the ‘I have a million things to do and suck at time management so I just wont do anything.’ Blogging is on that list. I never really know what to post any more since I really dont feel like I have anything worth posting.Trying really hard to remember why I started this blog and what kept me going for so long. I know I want to document our life. I love looking back but…I’m just lazy. Thats really all it is.

So anyway, until I start using my camera again here is a quick phone dump round up.

We got a hamster named Harlow. He belonged to a friend of a friend who’s girls stopped taking care of it. He’s super tiny and pretty freaked but is getting used to us.



Timmy and I FINALLY went to story time at the library with Miss Louise. We used to go with Layla every week from the time we moved here until she started Kindergarten. It feels good and yet very different to go now with just Timmy. Mostly good.


He’s kind of a mess, this boy.


And very. very. slow.

Sometimes he takes pictures of me too.


And hey, look at this shirt I found at Walmart. So perfect.


I bought this too. The Fit Lab in Enterprise is a pretty fun place to go. They sell Herbalife shakes/products. I caved and bought some of the beverage mix and got a little sample of something to mix in. It makes a pre derby drink I like to call Hulk Juice.


That’s all I have now to share. We went junkin today so I’ll share what I found later.