And Then It Was Gone…

You dont realize how much you really use the little things until EVERYTHING is gone. First off we stole a coffee pot from a friend (thank you Mandy :D) When we got home I was in need of my caffiene fix and then realized they took my coffee filters. Then we tried to make salsa for our nachos we were having for dinner. No blender. No spices. NO SALT! Ick. Also, when getting ready to pull those nachos out of the oven we realized we were missing our potholders as well. Didnt even cross my mind that we would need/want/use any of these things. I know we got dishes from the lending closet and thats all I figured we would need. Thankfully I saved a few dish towels so that helped with removing the nachos. Anywho, the past few days have been a tad crazy then a lot boring.

It started with Monday. Hooray for promotions! Is it bad that in the 6 years we have been an army family this is the first time I have actually gone to one of these? No? Ok good. But I went. And Layla and I pinned. Then Rik was promoted too. Then I made Chris become the photographer and lots of heads were chopped 😛
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Cant he retire already and just move with us?? 🙁
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Of course we couldnt go see big Rik without Baby Rik tagging along
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Next to where the little ceremony was…the post cemetary.I dunno what these guys did but Im pretty sure these are the ones that are in the back pointing away from the flag.
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Tuesday Steph and Codester came over to keep us company while the movers packed our things. I have been wanting to play with Cody’s hair forever now and finally got the bug to really do it. THEN I remember he has a big ol cast and cant take a good bath to wash out all the gel. Oops.

I wish I had better pictures of the two monsters bashing the poor little bug with the watering cans but I dont. I do have this one though. I think the pink watering can really compliments the mohawk and blue cast 🙂

He always has to make her scream. At least it was happy screams 🙂
(Hi couches! I miss you already.)

The movers finally came and wrapped half of our stuff and took some of it with them. The next day they were back with more empty crates at 730am. Yuck.

Layla and I killin some time outside after they kicked us off the couch to wrap it up
No, they didnt pack all the hairclips…Im just a lazy mom. She can see fine through hair 😉

Waddling around a box. The excitment of our day!
Oh look! Her hair is back now. I take back my “lazy mom” comment.

And then Thomas came home. Then Cody and Steph came over. Then Chris. Then Jon. And the kids realized a box and a big echo-y room was lots of fun.

This is probably the sharpest photo that has come out of my 28-80. I think it knows I dont like it so its trying to suck up to me. I love sparkly blue eyes 🙂

Keepin a sparkly blue eye on the movers loading our stuff…And a look at our furniture for the next month 🙂

And finally…hammering in the last nails in the last crate of the last load of our stuff. One more step toward our move to Alabama!

4 thoughts on “And Then It Was Gone…”

  1. CONGRATS to Thomo, hey at least you GOT shots……the dude I handed the camera to didnt CLICK the freakin shutter *hmph*

    BOO to moving & living without your stuff, never realize how much you DO use things when you DON’T have them.

    LOVELY new ALOOOOOOOOOOOOHA furniture, your BRAVE :}

  2. Wahoo Aloooha furniture!!!! Man how I don’t miss it!!! haha nice pics of Thomo, that last one he has a funny look on his face though!! atleast your movers didn’t leave you a present! When we opened one of our crates here we had cookies sitting at the bottom of it!!

  3. 1) Ahhhh aloha furniture! Its pretty much glorified lawn furniture LOL!
    2) Congrats to your hubby!
    3) Cute dress you have on! I love it!
    4) How sad about the dog! Too bad he can’t go with you.
    5) So wait… the soldiers in the cemetery… they did something wrong so they don’t face the flag?! I’ve never heard of that! Must google for more info LOL
    6) Now the main stress is done for your move! You can kick back and enjoy the remainder of your time here. Just don’t get too cozy with that lawn furniture LOL… never know what’s on it or who’s used it! Ewwww…

  4. Love the shot of them on the couch…great lighting and I’m a sucker for dad’s and their lil daddy’s girls.

    CONGRATS to ur hubby on his promotion!

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