He Did It!

Here I go again. I have about 3 posts worth of pictures loaded to my Flickr account and none of it blogged. The more I load the less I want to blog them. I get all overwhelmed.

This deserves some blog love though. Thomas finally graduated flight school! I say finally like it took him forever to get through it. Actually he made it through from start to finish pretty fast even after being held back a class cycles when Timmy decided to cause his drama.

I don’t think I could be any more proud of him. Anyone that knows him knows that this is all he has ever wanted to do and now he has his wings. SO proud!

He graduated on December 9th. This guy was the guest speaker. I actually liked him.

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Here is the graduating class and some awesome sun flares. The sun killed all of my other photos but I love this flare over all of them. Of course T is so far in the back and out of sight. Just know he is in there.

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Some of T’s fans/baby wranglers. Other than actual family I can’t think of anyone I’d rather have there with us. They’re our Alabama family. Barb and Kassie were there too but not in any of the pictures I loaded I guess…but I’m glad they were there too! Especially Kassie…she is pretty awesome at wranglin babies.
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He graduated with honors and was in the second group to go up. Hooray for not being back with the W’s!

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 I got to pin on his wings. Of course I got them totally off center and way out of place. Oh well. I pinned him!
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While the rest of the guys were going up I came back to save the Johnsons from my beast of a boy. He was hungry. Such the 2nd child. I don’t think I’d ever just lay Layla on the floor of a museum to have her breakfast.
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At the end they…sang? I think that’s what they did at this point. I was singing the Army Aviation song for days. It reminds me of the American Dad theme song and it’s catchy.
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All of the warrant officers from the class (I think that’s what this group is. If I’m wrong I’m sorry!)
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Thomas and Jay.
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T and ‘uncle’ Dennis.

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He has a lot of people that are proud of him 🙂
Thomas and Cory, his blackhawk stick buddy
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OMG look how messed up his wings are pinned on. I totally suck.

After the graduation ceremony we headed over to the Aviators Landing for a reception. Timmy pretty much ate himself into a food coma and was asleep within seconds of us being in the car to drive home. I’ve never seen him eat so much real food.
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She just CAN’T smile normal for me! And check out those nostrils. She definitely got those from her dad.
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Of course there had to be the “Stand in front of the gate and look pretty” picture to send to the family. Which I still haven’t done.

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1 thought on “He Did It!”

  1. Congrats to the hubs! That's awesome! That last pic cracked me up.

    I totally feel ya on the 2nd child-whatever'ness. I'm so laid back with him but he's Jeremy's first so he's crazy anal and protective. Makes it interesting.

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