A Fish Called Layla

What else is there to do when the temp is well over 100*? Live in the pool 🙂 When we got to Phoenix on Monday we all swam for a bit and then Thomo and Layla got in again after dinner and stayed in until 930pm. She was in the pool twice yesterday too and I had to drag her out. Sounds a lot like me when I was little. Anyway, here is my fish. Yesterday I picked up some Ariel mermaid goggles for her and some arm floaties. Shes still iffy on the goggles. The floaties though make her a little TOO brave.


She found a ring!



And my Thomas…after 3 or 4 pictures of him mid-blink I got this one 🙂

PS- Sorry for the bluey photos. Theyre all SOOC and Im too lazy to unplug the HD from my dads laptop to ours which has photo shop 😛 I suck at white balance.