Today’s theme is Bokeh. I think it’s pronounced boh-kay but I always say boh-kuh. Either way…its the little round balls of sparkly light.
You prolly see it a lot around Christmas in pictures of lights. In about 536 of my Christmasy bokeh pictures. Here is the strand in Timmy’s room that we use as a night light 🙂
That was an easy out though. I wanted natural light.
I found this lil spider floozy with her FOUR egg sacks. Two of which are hatching little baby spiders. Eek! They’re outside my bedroom window. I’m sure the neighbor’s though I was creepy sitting at the window pointing my camera toward their house as they pulled into their driveway. Oh well.
And now looking at it I could have used it for a silhouette. Hmm.
But there are pretty sparkly light balls in the back 😀