Just One

No Scavenger Hunt Sunday this week. I just didn’t take many pictures.

I did get this one today though

20Nov11 001

That summed up our day pretty much. Just playing. The kids played so well together all morning and after Timmy took a nap Elizabeth came over to play with Layla. It was just a good day.

A good start (I spose yesterday was the actual start) to Layla’s fall break. No school ALL week. I’m dancing! No lunches to pack, alarms to go off…even though Timmy and I are usually up earlier that the alarm anyway. No walking to school in the morning. Woo!

Also, Tuesday I finally took the reins and started to control my eating. I’m tired of working my tush off at the gym all week just to balance out the amount of junk I eat. Im a snackaholic. Especially after 8 when kids go to bed. BIG time. Now I’m planning meals, eating every 3 hours, high protein, low sugar, moderate carbs, and lots and lots of water. I suck at drinking water so this is the biggest for me. I’ve made it almost a week and while I’ve had some slip ups and have eaten some not so great things for the most part I’ve done really good and I like the new schedule.

So tomorrow is Monday and fall break or not, it’s cardio week and I’m dragging kids to the gym.