Hello 23!

Today I got a special birthday package from one of my best friends, Michelle . I have known her since Feb-ish 2004. Right before I turned 18 we met at a HMW group outing to Chilis. At first I was a little scurred of her…she seemed like the last person I would want to meet in a dark alley but we became good friends fast. I could gush on about all the great times we’ve had and what she means to me but I wont…I’ll just share all the loot I got from her today!

First the box was covered in M&M stickers 🙂 She’s the red one and I’m the yellow. Short and Tall, meanish and..slowish 😛
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When I opened the box it was busting with lots and lots of Mexican sweet bread goodies.
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That should last me through lunch 😉
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Mmm Cinnamon goodness
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And then I remember there’s more in the box to look at…like this! She asked what I wanted and when I told her a coupon organizer she called me lame. Then sent one 🙂
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An M&M tin of herself 😛
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Stuffed with 2 pairs of fun socks 😀
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Some yummo Starbucks chocolates
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And because she knows how I’m lacking in the purse department…coughNOTcough…she had to help me out 😉
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It reminds me of California. AND it’s green.
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And the card was special
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It’s a cupcake. That just screams Michelle lol
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Thank you again Michelley Welly for making me smile today! I love everything and you! Can’t wait to see you again.

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