The Boys

Ok, I’m finally getting around to posting all of these pictures. The other day I was in the house while Thomas took the boys outside to ‘take a break’. I heard tons of barking so I stuck my head out the door to see what was up. The following is what I found:

They were playing
Feb2009 004

With the bite sleeve
Feb2009 006

Revo is TOTALLY into it and it was good to see Rik happy and playing
Feb2009 007

Feb2009 008

Look at them waiting 🙂
Feb2009 009

Sort of
Feb2009 010

It was a lot of fun to watch them all
Feb2009 011

Rik was really loving his ‘training’ time with T…Revo just loves to play
Feb2009 013

Feb2009 014

Feb2009 015

All done…the dogs werent happy it was put away
Feb2009 017

Then T has to keep on playin without the sleeve
Feb2009 019

Revo really is starting to be a good dog. He’s learning 🙂
Feb2009 023

There was a slight issue with WHO was supposed to ‘heal’ for Thomo though.
Feb2009 024

I was a tiny bit stressed about 3 dogs but how can you not love this??
Feb2009 025

Feb2009 030

Feb2009 033

Good sit Revo!
Feb2009 034

Oops, I got down on dog level which means “PET ME!”
Feb2009 035

Look how LONG Revo’s legs are
Feb2009 036

This one is my favorite. It makes me smile every time.
Feb2009 037

And back to biting. Thomas “screamed” and Rik went nuts barking
Feb2009 038

Revo has ‘sit’ down…
Feb2009 041

Love this one of Rik too. SO happy! He loooooves his Thomas
Feb2009 042

Revo mostly loves the kong.
Feb2009 044

4 thoughts on “The Boys”

  1. This is awesome! It makes it worth whatever extra work you have to see Thomas and those sweet dogs so happy! We can’t wait to meet Rik!

  2. I love all of them. 🙂 Rik looks so happy to be with Thomas. That in itself makes the 3 dog stress totally worth it. It’s great to see that Rik and Revo are getting along well too.

  3. I love seeing these. Rik and Revo just look so friggin’ happy. And seriously…I love that pic with both of them and their long tongues handing out.

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