Week 10 = Sick Day


Week 10.

52 Weeks - Week 10

Sick days! I haven’t felt too hot the past couple of days. Yesterday L didn’t have school so we hung out in our PJs ALL day. I did get dressed at 3 but she didnt take hers off until she got in the tub before bed and then got some fresh pjs on 😉

Progress…I bought some shelves at Walmart to stack some fabric on. I don’t have near as much as I thought I did. It looks like a lot more stuffed into tubs.
Progress :)

Yesterday I was sewing some little zipper bags and Layla came in and asked me if she could sew. First I said no way! You’ll poke yourself! I think I forget she’s so big sometimes. So I bit the bullet and set her up…

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She loved it! She would “sew” a bit with one color then when that ran out she would pick a new one. It reminded me a lot of my gramma teaching me how to thread a needle and knot it when I was just a little older than her. I think I was 5?

She did pretty good except the few times she went around the side and not through…sewing the fabric to the hoop. Oh well. Next I think I’ll try drawing something and see if she can follow the lines.
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5 thoughts on “Week 10 = Sick Day”

  1. I love lazy PJ days 🙂 Tell that girl to stop growing. I can’t believe how much she’s grown up since we saw you. Glad she had so much fun sewing.

  2. thats ADORABLE !!!!! you ‘SEW’ need to hang it

    sorry your both feelin blah, PJ days ROCK !!!!

  3. Sandra - My Inspired Heart

    really cute job with the stitches! my girls love to do this 😉

    hope you’re feeling better….sick days are no fun!

  4. April Elizabeth

    Pete and I just bought the same shelves (in black) to help organize some stuff in the garage! HA! I love the jammie bottoms!

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