Today we went out for a bit to listen to the rain (even though it was coming down so much that I could hardly hear Layla talking to me from 4 feet away) and hang out with the boys.
Layla worked on a ScoobyDoo writing workbook that Grampa and JuJu sent her forever ago. We just found it today while I played Mean Mommy and cleaned out the toys in her room. More about THAT in another post.
Rik was perfectly happy laying our there and relaxing with us
He’s a big pain in my neck. He will be a year old next month and is entirely too bouncy and happy for as big as he is. And he ate one of Layla’s gold sandals.
But he is a pretty good lookin boy. At least he has that goin for him.
And those ears. How can you not love them?
(see, I told you I didn’t paint it all…oops!)
The more photos I see of Revo the more happy with him I am. Until he does his next rotten adolescent dog thing.
But Rik makes me happy. That is when he isnt pacing around the house, whining, lookin for T, getting into the trash and not hearing you when you yell at him, licking his elbow and the carpet when you’re trying to sleep….
Those are great pics of Rik and Revo!
Sweet dog pics! I hope you and T had a great anniversary!
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