The First Game

Layla had her first tee ball game last night due to last Friday’s game being rained out. She was very excited and had a ton of fun!

Before the game they all got in a line to do a head count and go over some things
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Layla started out in the outfield as an extra
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There was a lot of waiting to do way out there
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Next it is their turn to bat. Poor L is the last number. That means she is the last to hit and will never get to run around the bases because there is no one to hit after her.
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But she DOES get to spend a long time on the bench with #3 who hits first. Layla really likes her and her hair bows.
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Here she goes…
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Getting all set up
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And there it goes!
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Run Layla Run!
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Pretty sure she was safe but it didn’t matter because she was the last to hit and that ended the game
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In line for the ‘good game’ high fives
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Who cares if she doesn’t get to run around all the bases…she had a blast!
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1, 2, 3…
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Go Marlins!
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4 thoughts on “The First Game”

  1. Just me~ Bobbie Jo

    Love it! Oh how I miss T-ball. Baseball is just not the same-they take it way to serious-its just a game. lol 🙂

  2. cute! sean loved t ball. he was last to bat as well. he was number 20. however here if you were last to bat you “always” got a home run. he really liked that!

  3. I’m so glad she had such a great time. I can’t believe how long her hair has gotten…totally random I know 🙂 Can’t wait for Cody to be old enough to play t-ball.

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