Week 19


Week 19.

52 Weeks - Week 19

Happy Mother’s Day! T isn’t here to spend it with me but he did buy me some new sunglasses πŸ™‚ My first polarized more than Walmart/Target sunglasses. Now that I have contacts we can somewhat justify getting a good pair that I will actually wear πŸ˜› Lets hope I dont lose or break them now!

Also, you can take the girls outta Hawaii but you can’t take Hawaii outta the girls. Flowers on our toes and flip flop tans πŸ™‚
10May09 001

5 thoughts on “Week 19”

  1. Love the new shades…and the toes. Missed ya on Mother’s Day this year. I can’t wait to be able to do stuff like this with Kaitlyn πŸ˜€

  2. Love the sun glasses! Glad you had a happy mothers day! Also thanks for visiting my page πŸ™‚

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