Lazy Hot Random Productive Fun Day

Today was a blast. Layla and I both slept PAST 7am. That was a great start in itself! Last night I told her that today we would do a dinosaur craft from a craft book we got from the library this week. It was the FIRST thing she asked to do this morning. To tide her over until I was awake and functioning a bit more I busted out a sun catcher kit we got at Walmart. It kept her busy for a while and she LOVED it.
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While she was busy I spent a little bit of time with Sadie. She was more interested in her chewie. She’s had about 3 today. Maybe 4.
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We spent a good chunk of time cleaning up her room…not that it was super messy…but getting the few things out put away and dirty clothes in that hamper. Then bag by bag she started getting her toys back that she lost a few weeks ago. It has been a LONG wait and she has been a champ at keeping the things she was left with cleaned up. She was SO excited. I would take the things out of bags and she put every bit of it away where it belonged.

Then she decided she needed to be Aurora after getting her stuffed princess back.
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After a lot of begging we finally busted out the dino craft book. The big glued fabric covered dinosaur she wanted to make needed some crazy amount of paper towel rolls. We have 4 TP rolls and 1 paper towel roll. We need one more long one. So instead we moved on to one that we had the stuff for.

It was supposed to be a window hanging thing. Color a ziplock with a blue marker, stick in a foil dino and some fish colored on masking tape, and hang up. Well our bags all say ZIPLOCK across it and there was no coloring over it. So we improvised and stuck a piece of blue paper in it that she colored fish on. THEN stuck our foil dino in. Its not see through now but she still hung it in her bedroom to look at.
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For dinner I was thinking we could do Subway. I asked her what she thought and she said no…so I let her pick what she wanted since it has been such a good day. She chose breakfast. First she wanted a poptart until I told her I would make her pancakes. SPECIAL pancakes :)And then she took a picture of me.
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Sprinkle pancakes are her favorite. Not as good for me as Subway…but way more fun.
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She was picking the sprinkles out of the batter bowl
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After pancakes we picked a movie to watch. Peter Pan 2 was her choice. Now shes a little frustrated that she can’t fly. It just ended so she’s going to watch the end of Diego that is on and then its off to bath and bed!

Did I mention I actually got stuff done today too? It has been a good day. Layla rocks my socks.

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