It’s Coming….

Fall is just around the corner! Well, it is pretty much fall but I am still waiting for the red leaves and super messy front yard. Layla is waiting too. Every day she asks if there is enough leaves yet to rake into a pile so she can jump in them. Not yet. Soon though!

There are a few bright yellow ones out there on the ground
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And a few bright red ones too
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My pot of mums that I bought last year that were dead before Halloween are blooming now
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And thankfully my ONE surviving hibiscus is still going strong
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I think I will cover it this year. I don’t want to lose my last bit of Hawaii.

Layla’s pumpkin patch sunflower isn’t too happy
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And whatever was in that empty pot of dirt probably isn’t either

Pretty soon our little trail of leaves in the back will cover the entire yard
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Even the crepe myrtle are thinking about changing…
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hurry up leaves!

Layla is so ready.
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3 thoughts on “It’s Coming….”

  1. I wish we had fall, no from hot to cold thats it. But maybe we will luck out and get some snow. lol I just love all your pictures. You really know how to snap a good one.

  2. Fall is in full swing here. A couple days ago I raked the whole front yard and mowed…I filled our entire yard waste bin (the size of the rolly trash cans we had in HI)so full I had to push the lid down to get it to shut all the way. By the next morning it looked like I hadn't done anything. Kaitlyn kept making herself fall in the leaf piles before I had time to pick them up. Can't wait to see pretty fall pics from you.

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