Downtown Fall Festival

On Saturday I took the kids down to our town’s fall festival. It was pretty fun to get out and have something to do. I took out more cash than I needed since I didn’t want to buy Auburn/Alabama themed bags/jewelry/bird houses/shirts/ect, or any hair bows. Although some were cute 🙂 We did however hit up the pony rides.

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I had to walk next to L on her pony while TF watched from outside the gate in his stroller.

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Outside one of those artsy paint your own pottery stores there was a guy painting space scenes with spray paint and random stuff.

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Layla loves the fountain

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And cotton candy

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Timmy liked the boy scout’s chocolate cherry cobbler.

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One of the realtors in town had a tent set up with a little pool full of toys. L got to pick one out for her and her brother. He got a pirate duck and she got a slinky

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How could I not get this picture. L being the bug statue in the fountain 🙂

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Tub was just happy to chew on his duck

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Barry Moore (who is running for something…) had a bouncer slide at his tent. Layla had a blast there 🙂

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And I got Melissa to take a picture of me for once so I can finally be in a blog 🙂

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After that we came home and lunched then played…followed by green eggs and ham for dinner and Horton Hears a Who.

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The End 🙂

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