Red Ribbon Parade

This week is Red Ribbon Week at Layla’s school. All about saying no to drugs. Each day was a different theme like pajama day, hat day, wear your costume day, and parade day. For the parade each class had a different drug free theme. L’s class was “I can be whatever I want to be because I’m drug free” She had to dress as something she wants to be when she grows up. She chose Dentist 😐

Parents lined the drop off/pick up lane to watch the parade

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Timmy was good through the whole thing

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The DARE chick was the grand marshal

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And then came the kids!

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How cute are they??

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Can you spot my little dentist?? So cute.

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Band jackets!!

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There’s Elizabeth!

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Look, it’s Miss ESCC! (Enterprise State Community College) and Boll Weevil.

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Johnny Pilcher

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And finally the parade wrapped up with the fire truck

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The group shot 🙂 Lots of doctors!

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