Reunited And It Feels So Good!

Not long after Timmy was born he was moved from the RNICU (where the new and really sick babies are) down to the CCN (continuing care nursery where they go once they’re more stable and IVs are out. We were out of the main CCN and in a little side room with another Rucker/Enterprise couple who had their son early as well. He was born on Layla’s birthday at 33 weeks…a week before Tub came along at 34 weeks so we were even due at about the same time! AND she had him at the hospital that I planned to have Timmy at. Lots in common. We even had rooms next door to each other at the Ronald McDonald House the 2nd time I was there 🙂

Anyway, enough back story…they live across town from us (which is only like 15 minutes maybe) and we have only seen each other a hand full of times since we have all been home with our boys.

Last Friday they came over here to play with us. TF’s first friend to come over. They have both come so far and are totally different babies than they were in Bham!

Timmy started out in a bad mood and melted down until he passed out in the high chair.

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Once he was up he was ready to play!

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There was a LOT of staring at each other and hand holding

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I got them both to look at me 🙂 I think Timmy was trying to climb on top of his friend…

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And they giggled and talked to each other

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And they drooled. And drooled. And drooled. Gotta love teething! Here my chunk is threatening with a dangler.

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We had a really great time and I hope we can do it more often!

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