After Dinner

Something has clicked with me recently. From dinner through bedtime was always super stressful. I couldn’t figure out a nice balance and always felt super rushed to get dinner made and get everyone to eat and then bathed and asleep. Like I had to do it all in 5 minutes with Timmy swinging from my legs screaming “MAMA MAMAMA!” the whole time while Layla asked me 900 questions that are actually the same question just worded differently.
Anyway, now I feel like from 3pm on I have all the time in the world. I have suddenly figured out how to make quick/easy/healthy meals and Timmy is now more interested in playing with his sister than screaming at me. We get homework and dinner done with time to go outside for popsicles on the porch.
It makes Revo crazy when we leave him inside.
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Timmy just wants to get through that dog door.
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When did Layla grow up?
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She doesn’t even look like my little girl. Even though she is still a little girl…having Timmy now reminds me off baby Layla and I can’t think of how she got from baby to big kid.
She says the funniest things. This morning she called her brother a Booger Bucket. I laughed really hard. He is pretty snotty.
Speaking of the Booger Bucket…He’s growing up a lot too.
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He’s turning less baby and more toddler. Most of the time when he’s ready to get out of his highchair he says “all done” or just “done”. Of course it’s not totally clear but its the same words every time and the same thing I ask him when he starts fussing. So I’m just going to pretend he talks to me.
He has his own version of “Layla” too. And I swear he said NO to Revo.
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Spring’s a-springin’ here…even though it is feeling a lot like summer.
These roses are around the light pole in the yard. I cut them back to nothing every year and they always come back. Stupid roses. They weren’t there when we moved in…unless we aren’t the only ones that had them cut back to nubs.
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The front of the house is a bit uneven. We have the full rose bush on the left…and the tall sad stick with a couple leaves and blooms on the right. Last year (was it last year?!) Melissa and I dug it up from the middle and moved it over because the tiny little one that is now to the left of it wasn’t growing. It looked way worse. I needed it a bit more symmetrical. Any who, it tried like heck to die after we moved it. Thomas was sure we were going to kill it the way it looked. I’m happy to say that it lasted the winter and is back and blooming! Even if it looks like a stick.
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“Mom are we at the top or bottom of the earth?”
“Uh, kinda in the middle, why?”
“Which way would I dig to get to China?”
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While Layla was digging through the earth Timmy was pretending to mow the lawn. If only it was for real…
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There’s a lot of other stuff around the yard that spring has brought out. When I cleaned things up and cut things back a few weeks ago these mums were a dead little 1″ tall ball of twigs.
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Same with 3 other pots. Now they have blooms just waiting to bust open.
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My gerber daisies are even getting a couple new flowers. I bought them a few weeks ago and the flowers on it died. I’m glad more are sprouting up!
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I love this little purple ones in my window boxes. I love the way the stretch out and reach for the sun.
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The couple lilies I planted…2 years ago? Are back and have spread. They will be so pretty when they bloom
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And these I can NOT wait for! We planted a little wispy gardenia and there are so many buds on it. They are getting bigger and bigger. They smell SO good. Hurry up and open little gardenia buds!
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And check this out. Tiny little baby jalapeno! You will become salsa one day… 11April11 005
Pretty soon the rest of my yard is going to catch up to my dang roses!
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1 thought on “After Dinner”

  1. Tell your little baby jalapeno that I will have fun eating him, and he can have a party in my tummy.

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