Spring Break Round Up – Zoo, Tattoo, Easter.

Spring Break is OVER. Layla was back to school today and Timmy and I were back to our regular routine. Now I have time to blog again. It’s going to be long…there’s your warning.
Montgomery Zoo.
Thursday Melissa and I packed the girls up and headed up to Montgomery to go to the zoo. The small girls had just gone with school but we all wanted to go again.
It was HOT. omg. Bangs aren’t so cute when they’re wet and stuck to your forehead.
Oh wait, I was just digging through Flickr to find the start to the zoo pics and found these. We got a big yellow envelope in the mail the other day from the USO. Inside was a book and a dvd. We popped it in and it’s Thomas reading to the kids and the book is for Layla to read along. OMG I was chokin up!
Layla absolutely LOVED it
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Timmy did too. He’s used to dadada being in the computer (Skype) and was going nuts when he was huge on the tv
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So special 🙂
Ok zoo.
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In the caged in bird area
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Watching the ‘duckalings’ swim around the monkey exhibit
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Sweet, eh?
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Layla likes the flamingos 🙂
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Maned wolf. Mained? Whatever. It looked like roadkill 😐
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Monitor. I love the trees in the background. I bet he feels right at home in the wild
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This one had dangly bits of skin all over his cage.
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This bird talked. He was pretty cool
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Not sure what she was telling me here. Either spouting off some animal fact or whining. Ya never can tell.
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I love the leopard. He walked back and forth and back and forth
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The train we didn’t ride because Melissa knew a story about some 6 year old that fell off and died or was crushed by a derailed zoo train? I dunno. And because we just didn’t want to.
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Bald Eagles. SO pretty. Mmm.
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She can face me and smile but her eyes are always on something else.
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He looks comfy 😐
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Buffalo…bison? Is there a difference? Reminds me of my gramma 🙂
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Once again…no eye contact.
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Lake. They had pedal boat rentals there. Or are they paddle boats?
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Hehe Layla looking concerned about something. Prolly when Melissa reminded her of the no climbing sign that she freaked about earlier.
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Poor Timmy. I’m taking pictures not even worried about if he wants to see or not.
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Giraffes. The best part.
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Even though the feeding times were over the lady let us come in to feed them
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The girls were looooving it!
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I tried it too. I screamed a bit when it grabbed the food. Weird feeling!
Aah, Layla’s eyelashes. I want them.
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$4 Flamingo keepsake water bottle.
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she looks angry about something
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Feeding ducks/fish/turtles
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Mamma goose on her nest. She didn’t like the girls getting close to her
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This tiger knew what it was doing. It was HOT and it was all buried in the tall grass. I wanted to join it. I was hot too.
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Little tombstones for extinct animals
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Hot Rhino.
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Watching elephants
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And the zoo is over with a lion. I take too many freakin pictures!
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Now…Friday night. Screamers tattoo and piercing in Enterprise, AL. It’s the place to be! Carmelo is pretty much awesome. Kassie and I have been talking about getting tattoos since before T left. Finally we got the cash and set the date. Woo!
Kassie already had March 1, 2007 on her hip and wanted little doves to go next to it.
Super cute!
I found a picture of a tree with some birds on google that I was crazy in love with. I sent him the picture and he did an awesome job. I love my tree big time.
Gettin ready
And go!
I don’t know what I was thinking. It hurt a lot. But I wasn’t about to stop at the outline and come back to finish because who knows if I ever would. It was all or nothing.
And then the shading started. It felt better than the outline for a while until my ribby areas and the trunk. The trunk just felt like fire.
Kassie made sure to tell me how much more it was bleeding during the shading than the outline. What an awesome friend 🙂
It took about 2 hrs with a break between outline and shading.
I am in LOVE with this tree.
The kids got too many toys and candy in their baskets but it was a blast. We had TONS of plastic eggs hidden alllll over the living room and kitchen. Not so much hidden because there were a ton. They were just everywhere. L went nuts.
And of course I didn’t load any of those pics. Just some I got at Melissa’s of our fam bam.
First the kids. I was proud to have made it all day in cute clothes without Timmy puking on any of us. Hooray for Easter!
I love Layla’s death grip on his arm. He was not about to sit still for me. There was a lot of me telling Layla to sit, face forward and smile…DON’T stop. And hold your brother!
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Elizabeth came out and I got a shot of her and Layla.
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Then I thought of this one and was amazed at how big they both are…
November 2008
When You're The Best Of Friends
My little man. Looking at me and touching the light with one little finger after I told him no. Like ‘Whatcha gonna do about it?’ Rotten.
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And finally I got Melissa away from cleaning her kitchen to come take pictures of all of us
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And of course the hehehe look my tree sticks out of this dress shot
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Spring break was a blast. Now it’s time to get back to our regularly scheduled days.
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2 thoughts on “Spring Break Round Up – Zoo, Tattoo, Easter.”

  1. Great pictures Meggo!! I love your dress and that you found something to show off your tat! 🙂 I sure miss you all!!

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