Scavenger Hunt Sunday

Look at this. Two weeks in a row!   This weeks themes were:

Words, Under, Orange, Fly, and Always Look on the Bright Side of Life.

So I actually tried to take my pictures during the week instead of all today like I did last week. And I did mostly. I needed “Fly”. I planned some clever helicopter picture and it never happened. While I was wondering what to do I changed my mind on a few other pictures too 😛


This one was new. I had a Cheeburger Cheeburger glass from lunch on Wednesday but wasn’t totally happy with it. While reshooting Orange I turned my head and saw this. A million years ago in Hawaii Thomas worked a lot of night shifts so we were on different schedules. One morning when I got up (and Im guessing he was asleep) I came downstairs to this stuck to the computer desk. Fast forward to a few months ago when I finally tossed the desk…I had to carefully rip this off to keep it 🙂



This picture I too randomly and needed a reason to post. Under worked. Timmy is “under water”. One of his favorite things is to play peek a boo through the fish tank.



It’s fall and my house is up to it’s pretend ears in orange things. I didn’t want to do a pumpkin or leaves or anything Halloweeny. Then I saw this flower. A left over from the kids Alice in Wonderland birthday party in February. They were too cute to take down 🙂



This was the one I had trouble with before I realized I wear my favorite pair of wings on me almost every day. They’re the wings T gave me when he graduated flight school. I’m so proud of him 🙂


Always Look on the Bright Side of Life.

Ok, for the last week I have been singing this song from Monty Python. It’s the ONLY thing I can think of when I hear that. ONLY thing.


But here is my picture 😛




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