Favorite Things – FitBook *Giveaway*!

Ok y’all first off let me just say that this post/give away is not at all sponsored by Fitbook or anyone even remotely related to the people that make Fitbook. It’s just me loving this stupid little fat book and everything it does and wanting to share it with one of you!

Now, on to my post. Lets back track to earlier this year when Kassie and I first started running. She raved on and on about this so called ‘fitbook’. It was sooo good at keeping her eating on track and you can write in workouts! Strength AND cardio! And make goals and blah blah blah. Kassie’s kind of a sucker for buying things (books) she sees online whether she means to or just doesn’t realize that Amazon’s 1 click buying means in one click it really is charged and on it’s way!

So I ignored the whole fitbook idea. I used fatsecret.com to track my food AND it had an app for my phone so why did I need a book too? And who tracks workouts. We were just running…

Well, now we are at the gym 5ish days a week lifting weights, doing cardio and not eating so well. Kassie mentions to me that she needs a new Fitbook. I roll my eyes because I have a little 5star notebook that I track workouts in. She mentions they now sell them at Target and she didn’t need to order online. Oohh…well I like Target. And Starbucks. And I needed a Dothan trip anyway…so we were off to check it out.

And I fell in love. What a cute little fat book for 20 freakin dollars. I’m too cheap for that. Maybe…and then I saw this…

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It comes with a tiny little Fitbook PEN! Eee!

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I was sold.

So I toss my little book into the cart and couldn’t wait to get home to play with it!

When I finally did bust into it I was pretty excited! There is a LOT in it.

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I may or may not have decoupaged the cover of mine…I found a ModPodge recipe on Pinterest and had to try 🙂

The first pages give you samples on how to fill it all out between your goals/food/workouts/plan…

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Here’s the sample page again. It gives you a place to track your servings of everything, water intake, and sleep…which I realized I don’t get more than 7 hours a night when I sleep all the way through…

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There is a page that tells you how many servings you need from each category of food and examples of different things so you get a general idea of what a serving size actually is.

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So maybe starting on Halloween wasn’t the best idea for me…but heck at least I’m filling it out! Even if I had mostly sad faces circled…

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And cake. I blame a certain baked good delivering friend for that after 8pm snack.

The whole book will take you through 12 weeks. At the begining there is a place to write down your starting date, weight, and measurements and your ending results too. You can make your 12 week big goals as well as each week writing down your fitness and nutritional goals.

I made my fitness goals this week but failed BIG time on my nutrition. Shocker, I know. But the cool thing is I can start over tomorrow. It’s a new week, I get to write down new goals and now I know where I’m weak (after bedtime snacking! Because I didn’t already know that. But now it’s staring me in the face) and I can adjust.

Also, in the back is a little pocket for an ID, gym card, whateva. It comes with a little “go buy a fitbook!” card to hand out to someone too. Not that I actually will…I’ll just blog about it.

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So, if you’ve stuck with me through this whole post about my love for the Fitbook then you have a chance to get one for yourself 😀 I’m going to give away one Fitbook to one of my (few) readers. If you want a chance at your own Fitbook just leave a comment on this post telling me why you want it. It can be because you’re ready to get in shape and this will help! Or because you like free stuff and give aways. Or because you just do, so there.

Next weekend I will select a random comment using random.org to pick a winner. So leave a comment beacuse this thing is super neat!

10 thoughts on “Favorite Things – FitBook *Giveaway*!”

  1. Umm I want a fitbook! After 2 months of fast food thanks to traveling and living in the lodge its time to get back in shape! I afterall need to wear a bathing suit living in paradise!

  2. Ooohhhh I’m sorry fr delivering the baked goods. I think I love this black book u have found!!! Maybe the random picker will pick me so I can actualy write down like the dr says for my band 🙂

  3. I want a fitbook!! I definitely need something to track stuff in. I already do WW online, but when I’m out and whatnot, I need something to write down what I eat or else I forget and don’t track those points and yadda yadda yadda. Plus, I need more motivation to get to the gym. Maybe a spiral bound lovely such as the fitbook will help me 🙂
    Totally honest when I say this: Reading about all your working out has been an inspiration. Seems like you and a lot of my other friends are getting into shape and I totally want in on that!

  4. I need one *sad face* and so does Richard *sad face*, so this could help me not spend $40 in one pop *sad face*. Love you!

  5. I need on so I can get back on track with eating right and getting off my butt and doing some sort of exercise.

  6. How sweet to do a give away!
    I think having this will help motivate me to track my eating…and I need all the motivation I can get! haha

    Ps: I loooove all the inspirational pins you post all the time! 🙂

  7. I need one so I have the motivation to get off my ass on a daily basis. Plus I just had a baby a couple months ago, so yep, need it.

  8. Somehow, I totally missed that your blog moved. Glad to have found you again, I’ve lost touch with a lot of preemie mom blog friends. What an awesome giveaway and neat little book. I hadn’t heard of it before so I’m glad I saw your post.

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