The Book Chat @ SGT

I mentioned before that Jessica at Sweet Green Tangerine holds a Thursday book chat. Each week has a new book related prompt to talk about.


This weeks prompt:

Funniest Book or Character

I’ve been meaning to join in on this for a while but just haven’t had anything worth sharing.

When I saw this though it was a no brainer…

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Harris and Me by Gary Paulsen is hi-lar-i-ous!

It’s a kids chapter book that my 8th grade English teacher read to the class. More for fun at the end of the day than actual education. And it was fun! So much so that when I got into high school I had to find my own copy. Reading it out loud to someone else makes it about 1 million times funnier by the way.

It’s awesome.

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It’s about an 11 year old boy that is dropped off to spend the summer with some relatives on a farm. His cousin Harris is “rude and crude and finds trouble at every turn.”

Seriously. I wheeze when I read it.

Harris has an incredible imagination turning piglets into ‘dirty commy japs’.

He is in an ongoing war with a rooster named Ernie…but the part that kills me is the peeing on the electric fence. Omg. So funny.

So that’s that.

Funniest book on the PLANET. Harris and Me. I can’t wait to read it to Layla!

But mostly because I just need to read it again 🙂

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4 thoughts on “The Book Chat @ SGT”

  1. I remember reading your copy of that book!! I’m so glad you still have it. It truly was hilarious…great choice, Babo!

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