Pinterest Project #3 – Homemade Playdough

It’s been a while since I’ve shared a Pinterest Project with you all.

I decided to give playdough a whirl.

I made some homemade playdough when Layla was little but haven’t tried it since.

First off, I suck.

I am the mom that doesn’t let my kids play with playdough because I don’t want to deal with the mess. Especially when our Alabama table was in a room with carpet for a looong time. And even when it wasn’t I just didn’t care to try it.

Until now.

We needed something fun. It’s been forever since Layla has played with it and I’m not sure Timmy ever has.

So away I went…

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The recipe for the playdough is:

1 cup flour
1 cup warm water
2 tsp cream of tartar
1 tsp oil
1/4 cup salt
food coloring

Mix all ingredients (other than food coloring) together in a pan over medium heat.

Stir until smooth (which mine never was) and then continue to stir until a dough ball forms.

Remove from heat! Once it’s cooled enough, kneed the dough into a smooth ball. Then cut into as many pieces as you want.

I did 4 because that’s what the pictures showed and that’s how many colors I had without trying to mix them.

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Put a few drops of color onto each section and kneed until its fully mixed in. I didn’t really count how many drops I used because it was more like a squirt. You can use how ever much you want to get the dough as dark/light as you want.

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Once you get the color you want it’s time to play!

Poor Timmy didn’t know what to do. He kept looking to Layla like “Is this right!?”

Layla on the other hand went straight into making blueberry pancakes.

It didn’t take TF long to get the idea though

They seriously loved it which made me feel like a total ass for not being a cool mom sooner.

Oh well.

The plus side to not having playdough around in a loooong time? Layla sat there for SIX HOURS playing. Six hours. She ate lunch while playing and only put it away when dinner was ready. Then she got it out the next day.

2 thoughts on “Pinterest Project #3 – Homemade Playdough”

  1. I like this recipe better than the last one I tried off of there. I will have to try it next time. I can’t believe she played with it for that long. 🙂

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