Posting Just to Post

I hate planning posts that I never actually get around to making. And I hate only posting once or twice a week. I’ve realized there are 2 good times a day that I can write out a blog. Nap time and bedtime. Or #3 which is right now while getting up every 5 seconds to entertain Timmy. He has fruit snacks and a movie so I’m hoping to knock this out fast.

Anywho, during nap time Ive been trying to keep up with house stuffs that I like to slack on. And after bedtime we’ve been busy with a little show called Breaking Bad.

This is fantastic! Found it here:

5 seasons. We just got started season 3. We watch 2-3 episodes a night. NO time for blogging. MUST. WATCH. BREAKING BAD.

So yeah.

Between picking up cars, vacuuming dog hair, and watching shows about crystal meth, I dont get out much.

Here’s a random picture of Timmy swimming in the tub.


Thursday we are going to a baseball game in Seoul. From what I hear about Korean baseball it sounds like it will be a good time. I’ll share that as soon as I can 🙂

2 thoughts on “Posting Just to Post”

  1. I just finished Breaking Bad (as many episodes as are out so far) the other day. I lost a lot of sleep and left a lot undone because, as you said, MUST. WATCH! Had the same problem with Game of Thrones.

    Have a great time at the baseball. I got to go to a local ice hockey game here last winter and it was great! Lots of players from Canada but also some REALLY tall Dutch guys.

  2. Gah…I just finished season 2. I’m watching it so much my head hurts, but I just can’t stop. It’s going to be a sad day when I get caught up. Those week to week, and season to season episodes are going to kill me, lol!

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