What’s In Your Purse Tag…

Ok, so I’m not really doing the tag. I don’t care if anyone else does this after me and I’m not actually ‘tagging’ anyone. Also, I got this from a blogger friend, Ashley, who actually made a video of hers which I think is what I was supposed to do. Oh well. I’ve done a post like this before but its been a while. I was commenting on Ashley’s saying how I don’t remember what a purse before kids was like…so I decided to dump mine out and see what’s really in there.

Actually, Timmy is just napping and I’m avoiding anything productive.

So here ya go.

I bounce between my purse and diaper bag depending on how much stuff I need or which one currently has the diapers/wallet in it.

26Oct12 051

First my purse. Not much in it since I used the diaper bag last. Here is the stuff that isn’t worthy of being switched between the two:

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From left to right/up and down:

GoPro with helmet strap left over from Sunday derby.
Yellow socks (clean!) just in case for derby.
Directions to an antique store that I WILL go to one day.
OH!Roller Derby stickers.
Scentsy hand sanitizer.
An Alpha Co. Dragons necklace I got at the last Dragon Night.
Mix of won/US change.
Tiny camera key chain.
T’s missing chapstick.
Korean Mickey Mouse pen.
The $10 I thought I had with me on Wednesday for bowling.
Ear thermometer.
Silver Navy Fed bank pen.
My chapstick.
Bracelet from the Brazilian meat place.
Baby Layla hair clip.

Now for the diaper bag…

26Oct12 054

Left to right…

Diaper pouch that hopefully has diapers/wipes in it.
Vitamin pack that I never took.
More mixed change.
3 soggy dollars that shared a pocket with a loose baby wipe.
Ziploc tub lid.
Water bottle.
Car keys.
Two unfinished friendship bracelets.
Lifting gloves.
One too small Timmy sock.
Little piece of the piano stand that keeps it from sliding off.
Black DSi.
Sunglasses and pouch.
Toys for Tots key chian.
Pencil grip.
Tiny notebook.
Case with dried out super old contacts that I thought I lost.
Necklace/plastic wasp/littlest pet shop pie.
UAB Dr’s business card.
Stack of papers with drawings from Layla.

**Not Pictured**

Lots and lots of broken crayons
Crushed goldfish crackers
Extra tiny bits of gross that I didn’t want to touch.

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