Thrifty Nifty Fifty

A friend of mine has been borrowing my 50mm 1.8 lens for a while. The much cheaper, ghetto, version of her 50mm 1.4 that stopped working. No biggy to me. I never use it. I don’t like it. I’d much rather use my wider 35mm. Not a huge difference but it means not taking that one step back.

Anywho, she returned it the other day and I decided I would play with it.

I still don’t like it.

22Jan13 002

22Jan13 003

I guess I like getting up in my kid’s business because to get this I had to stand back in the kitchen

22Jan13 007

22Jan13 011

And that made me twitchy.

22Jan13 017

Side note…

Isn’t L’s Goofy Tooth silly? Its so loose and like…hangs out of her face. Gross. It needs to come out.

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22Jan13 020

PS- Look at this angry boy. All he wants is food. All. The. Time.

22Jan13 015

I do feed him. I promise. He gets violent if I dont 😐

22Jan13 022

3 thoughts on “Thrifty Nifty Fifty”

  1. Awe I love the pics of the kids!!! I wish I could be there and hug on them!! I see they are doing mosaics, I loved that as a kid and now!! 🙂 Layla’s tooth reminds me of Nanny McPhee!! hahaha have you seen that movie? I love you all <3

  2. omg your cat looks just like my childhood cat named Tarzan. . . . for football head, depending on if he made me mad 🙂 And I’m all for you coming to El Paso! I’d love to have someone to go explore and take pictures with! One thing I need to know, tho. Canon or Nikon?

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