Timmy’s Toy Story 3rd Birthday Party

There are a few things I want to share on here but tonight the spotlight goes to Timmy. Although he has been THREE for two weeks already, today was his party. I couldn’t do 2 back to back parties. It was too much on me and my friends to have to deal with all that 🙂

Today was his day and he knew it. When I was setting out the cupcakes he kept saying ‘It’s TIMMY’S Happy Birthday!’ ‘Timmy’s cupcakes!’

The theme of the day was Toy Story. He has been pretty big into the movies lately. At least until I started ordering/planing for a party. He was still excited to see it all though even if we don’t actually watch the movie 10 times a day anymore.

Very thankful for all of the printables that other’s have shared online!

Goodie bags were toy story Pez dispensers and Toy Story gummies.

The big man with his best friend, Alyssa who HAD to be with him in a picture.

My little stud.

Not much to report as far as the party itself went. They’re toddlers. They ran around crazy and played with toys. Very easily entertained!

I love this one <3 The Preggos shouting orders to the kids down the hall.

Finally it was candles and cupcakes time

My big boy knew just what to do

Next, presents! Timmy’s favorite. After this last Christmas, Timmy knows exactly what presents are and when they are for him. He was really excited knowing that today he would have HIS Happy Birthday cupcakes and HIS presents. It was HIS day.

Thank you Miss Niki for helping him while I took pictures!

little freaked out by the Animal card 😛

It was a pantsless party too by the way. The boy doesn’t like pants…

I LOVE this kid

Taking it all in

Happy Birthday Party day big man! We love you!

ps – Thank you Jen for his awesome shirt!

Here are some of the places I found Toy Story stuff:

Andy’s room drawings

Banner, cupcake toppers, and character printables

Thank you bag toppers

Toy Story scene setter

Pez dispensers

4 thoughts on “Timmy’s Toy Story 3rd Birthday Party”

  1. Happy Birthday, TIMMY!!!!!! GREAT PICS–great party!!! I think I’ve learned today that a pregnant woman shouldn’t wear skinny jeans…or at least this pregnant woman. I kinda want to make that my cover picture on facebook…I just might. (yay for posting in a timely manner…you are super mom).

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